County Clerk’s Office, Courthouse Annex, 150 N. Seguin, Suite 101, New Braunfels, TX 78130
- 1845 to present: land records (name of buyer & seller), deeds of trust, Power of Attorney, proof of heirship, foreclosures (Sheriff’s sale), right-of-way (road, utilities, etc.), maps and plats of towns and property in Comal County.
- Index to naturalization records and other records if done in probate or commissioners court.
- 1846 to present: marriage records. 1903-present: birth and death records.
- Records on Marks and Brands, 1845-present.
- Estray Animals, 1847-present; Military Discharge, 1919-present; surveyor’s records 1836-present; probate records 1846-present
District Clerk’s Office, Courthouse Annex, 150 N. Seguin, Suite 304, New Braunfels, TX 78130
- Naturalization records, unspecified dates.
- Civil & Criminal Court records, 1846-present.
First Protestant Church, 172 W. Coll, New Braunfels, TX 78130
- Church records from 1845 to present (translated from German). Records include baptism, marriage, confirmation, death, and communion.
- Neighborville & Hortontown church records, 1850-1905 (not translated).
- Family trees of church members (1856).
- Some family research.
- Reverend Ervendburg’s records (some translated) 1836-1845.
Catholic Chancery Archives, 2718 W. Woodlawn, San Antonio, TX 78228
- Baptisms: 1849-present; marriages, deaths: 1852-present.
Sophienburg Archives, 401 West Coll Street, New Braunfels, TX 78130
- German Language local newspapers from 1852-1957 (Neu Braunfelser Zeitung). Partially indexed.
- English Language newspaper from 1905-present (New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung).
- Oral history by many “old-timers”, 2,000+ at this writing. About 30% transcribed and indexed.
- Photographs-Seidel / Braunfels Studio collection 1928-1980. Others from Herald Zeitung, and private collections totaling nearly 1 million.
- Family Bibles and books.
- Solms-Braunfels Archives Collection (German). Indexed.
- All Comal County Genealogy Society holdings.