Caldwell County Genealogical And Historical Society mini-workshop


07 Sep 2013    
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Church of Christ - Lockhart
317 S. Blanco, Lockhart

Event Type

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The Caldwell County Genealogical And Historical Society will have a mini-workshop on Saturday, September 7, 2013, from 9 am until 12 Noon at the Church of Christ, 317 S. Blanco, in Lockhart, Texas.The workshop will feature Robyn Conley in Beyond the Branches: Writing and Scrapping You Complete Family Tree.

Cost for the workshop is $15 and includes a continental breakfast.Seating is limited, so walk-in space is not available. Cut-off date for registration is Friday, August 30.

If you are interested in attending this workshop, please mail your check to
Caldwell County Genealogical and Historical Society
215 S. Pecan Avenue
Luling, TX 78648