Monthly meeting of the Comal County Genealogy Society. Mark Olsen will present “Introduction to Family Tree Maker.” This will be presented remotely to the CCGS. He will discuss Family Tree Maker, highlighting the latest version, updates, features and more. This is an interactive session. He will discuss the recent updates to FTM 2019, and the upcoming FTM 2024.
Mark will also discuss Family Tree Maker partner products – Charting Companion and Family Book Creator – both are amazing plug-ins that can help you create incredible charts, graphs, and books. This presentation is for all levels of genealogists whether you are just getting started or very experienced. Family Tree Maker has graciously provided a door prize which will be given out at the meeting.
Mark Olsen is the Family Tree Maker Ambassador to historical and genealogical societies worldwide, working to support their members as they use Family Tree Maker. Mark is a graduate of Brigham Young University and holds a bachelor’s degree in Family History with an emphasis on Spanish records. He has been working in the genealogy industry since 2007 and has been the Family Tree Maker Ambassador since 2016.
Visitors are welcome!