Help locating 36th Infantry Division Band pictures from the New Braunfels National Guard Armory

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    • #12697

      I was wondering if there is any place on the New Braunfels Genealogy site to post a request for photos of the National Guard Band.

      My father’s birthday is coming up and I am trying to locate a photo of the 36th Infantry Division Band out of the New Braunfels Armory from the late 1950’s to the early 60’s. He was in the National Guard Band from the day he graduated from New Braunfels High School, in I think it was 1954, until the early 60’s. He says they took a photo but he could not afford to buy one at the time with trying to support a young family. I would love to try and find one for him. He says he marched front center.

      Or if you know someone who I could contact. I have tried several times to contact the Armory and always get a recording. They have since moved the Band to Austin. I don’t know if they would have the old photos or not. If you know who I might could contact please let me know. I did contact one man from the National Guard that had a web site about the German bands and mentioned that he was in the band but I he did not have one.

      Linda Mullen
      lmmullen at

    • #12698

      I would like to thank everyone involved in helping me to locate a photo of the National Guard Band in 1955 at Summer Camp in North Fort Hood, Texas. You don’t know how much I apprecieate everyone’s help; especially Alton Rahe for sending the photo to me and also to Karl Zipp who shared the photo with Mr. Rahe.
      I cannot wait to give it to my father. I am so excited. You all are the greatest!!!
      Linda Jonas Mullen

    • #12699

      The image is now in the Old Photographs section of the CCGS Photo Album. There you will find a list of those in the picture.

    • #12482

      I was wondering if there is any place on the New Braunfels Genealogy site to post a request for photos of the National Guard Band.

      My father’s birthday is coming up and I am trying to locate a photo of the 36th Infantry Division Band out of the New Braunfels Armory from the late 1950’s to the early 60’s. He was in the National Guard Band from the day he graduated from New Braunfels High School, in I think it was 1954, until the early 60’s. He says they took a photo but he could not afford to buy one at the time with trying to support a young family. I would love to try and find one for him. He says he marched front center.

      Or if you know someone who I could contact. I have tried several times to contact the Armory and always get a recording. They have since moved the Band to Austin. I don’t know if they would have the old photos or not. If you know who I might could contact please let me know. I did contact one man from the National Guard that had a web site about the German bands and mentioned that he was in the band but I he did not have one.

      Linda Mullen
      lmmullen at

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