I’m not sure about proprietor, but you can track down the owners.
First, go to the Comal County Appraisal website at http://www.comalad.org/ and do a property search by address to get the current owner.
Next is the hard part. You have to go to the County Clerks office and look in the property indexes. Each time a property is sold, they index the buyer and the seller to the deed records. So you have to work backwards starting with the above name, making sure it is the right property, and then seeing who the seller is. From there you start over — looking for that name as the buyer and then who was the seller. Then repeat as far back as you want to go. These are public records, so for a copying fee, you can get copies of each deed of sale which will give the date and the purchase amount (and might have other interesting tidbits of information.)
As for the obituaries. I know the Sophienburg Archives has copies of all/most the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung (and the predecessor Zeitung). I was able to locate my great-grandparents obituaries from the 1940’s (in German!)
I don’t believe there is a way to do either of these over the internet at this time.