Mexican life in Comal County 1890-1930

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    • #12666

      I am a graduate student completing my thesis project about Mexicans/Mexican Americans in Comal County between 1890-1930. If anyone has any information, such as journals, diaries, pictures or an oral history to tell, please feel free to contact me.

      Roberto Morales

      Thank you!

    • #12668

      hey robert, my name is steven suniga from lubbock, tx. I was just researching for my family tree aswell as my fiance. See my fiance is african american/ black descent and her grandmother Beatrice wilson (maiden name is basped) is half mexican who’s father is poss basped. Im finding out that he is from Brady, Tx. who was born may 12, 1902 and married beatrice mother sometime in the mid 1920’s, but wasn’t w/ her for very long. Back then im learning that rules and regulations weren’t enforced w/in the minority community. This went on in the McCullough co. , and if it seems like something that you can use then great, email me back Im still doing research on my family tree and hers, but isn’t it ironic how Mr. Poss Basped was able to maintain an interracial marriage and im in the process of doing the same w/ his granddaughter 80 yrs. later. P.s. if you need some more info. leave me an email.

    • #12451

      I am a graduate student completing my thesis project about Mexicans/Mexican Americans in Comal County between 1890-1930. If anyone has any information, such as journals, diaries, pictures or an oral history to tell, please feel free to contact me.

      Roberto Morales

      Thank you!

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